Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pictures of the new place

Well, here we are in our new house. Erik has decorated the baby's room with the help of both grandmas and I was surprised with the finished product. Doesn't it look amazing?! Hope you enjoy a few pictures of our new house. Have a happy day!

This is the dining room and living room.

And this is the basement. Erik loves the "man cave"... and I enjoy joining him down there as well.


  1. You were surprised it turned out so nice?! I love it. I did not know you were in a house, that is really neat. Can't wait till the baby comes!

  2. Look at all that space!!!!
    Love Will's room!

  3. Erik did the decorating? Impressive!!

  4. wow I love it!! Its so big!! how did you find it!?

  5. I am glad that you have a nice place.

    Hope that your still filling good.

    I miss you.

  6. I miss you! Loved seeing the pictures.
