Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, I guess it's been long enough. I won't be able to hide it much longer (though you can't really tell yet...) and even if I could hide it, I don't think that I could stop myself from blabbing it to everyone.

Erik and I are having a baby!

The Baby is due July 8th and we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl on the 18th of February. I'm so excited! Erik thinks it's a girl and I just know it's a boy. Leave some comments on what you think it will be!


  1. CONGRATSSSS!!!! I think it will be a boy. But what do I know?! YAY!

  2. If you have been feeling very sick, it will be a girl. Not so sick = boy! Soooooo excited!

    Oh, it should be a girl and then we can hook our kids up in 20 ish years!

  3. yay!!!!! you find out the day that nic and i started dating, like 5 years ago. SO EXCITING!!!! i am sad you wont be in utah so you can share your baby with me :)

  4. You already know my vote. I talked to Jamie on the phone last night and she was wondering why you hadn't made an official announcement yet... nevermind, haha.

    Oh, and I love how your hatred for the TAs has extended to your breakfasts and your blog.

  5. CONGRATS!!! That is very exciting. I'm so happy for you two! :)

  6. KAIT!! CONGRATS! That is the most exciting thing ever! you're going to be SUCH a wonderful mom!

  7. All that maters is that you will love the kid anyway it comes to be. I know a lot peole say each cupol has thease dabates.

  8. Hey, I didn't see this official announcement! Yeah! I of course vote BOY for selfish reasons!

  9. I'm imagining it is a boy, "cuz that's what I had first! No other reason! I will love seeing your little sweetheart! Hey... your grandma was born in New York... that makes a full circle!
