Wednesday, September 29, 2010

BYU Life

One of my wonderful old roommates, Katie, came into town the other day. I had so much fun walking around campus with her people watching and just enjoying our entertaining environment.
She happened to mention how great it felt to be back at BYU. I was thinking about that comment and remembered that just yesterday I was thinking about BYU culture and how much I'll... dare I say it... miss it.
Just yesterday, I walked by a boy getting dating advice from a "very knowledgeable" friend. Just yesterday, I walked by a girl who was riding her moped in a quite large, fluffy bathrobe (odd to say the least). Just yesterday I heard a boy singing out loud as he walked to class. Just yesterday, I saw a boy running to class as the bell tower rang twelve (he had a striking resemblance to a raptor as he ran). Just yesterday, about twenty people who walked by smiled at me or said hello. Just yesterday, I was able to sit next to a complete stranger and hold a very friendly and meaningful conversation with them. Just yesterday, I got every door held open for me. Just yesterday, the sun was shining in Provo and I realized that I will miss this quirky little town.


  1. It's weird when you realize how much you will miss it, especially if you (like me) spent the first little while hating it.

  2. It is crazy how much you'll miss it, but it is also crazy how much of that stuff happens outside of BYU. Really though...I say hi to tons of random people on the way to class...don't worry, they say hi back. Maybe that's just the south though. I guess that is another reason why you should move here.

  3. Cool that you realized it months before you leave. And don't forget those mountains and the canyons! They are so beautiful! Don't worry... you'll get to go back! You will likely have kids that will be BYU students!

  4. When we are in good places we tend to not want them to end.
