Monday, January 17, 2011

The Gilgal Gardens

Today we had the day off of school. We decided to go to the Gilgal Gardens; a place of mystery and magical monuments. There is not really much of a way to describe in words what the place is so I'll just have to show it to you.

The gardens are located behind some houses where an architect decided to start a very special project of his own in his yard. I started going through the garden thinking that it was just a joke, but as i walked around I think it was more of his architectural interpretation of his testimony...

(but the Joseph Smith Sphinx was a little funny.)

Everything had a deep meaning to it. It was fun to try to guess what he wanted his audience to get from each piece of artwork. What a fun and different place to walk around on your day off! We can't say that it wasn't a little strange, but good for him; putting time and effort into something that he believed in. Here are some other fun pictures that we took there.

Iron Angel Moroni.

Sisters... dare I say they are great KEYSTONES in my life!

We never really figured out the hands grabbing the hearts out of the rock...

I forgot my shoes and was forced to wear my slippers around the garden... Absent minded!

After the garden, we went to prison for lunch! No joke! We went to the county jail where they had some inmates working at a cafe. The food was good and we haven't gotten sick yet! The name cracked me up! The Hard Times Cafe. :)

What a fun day! Hooray for days off!


  1. I've been to that garden too. A bit strange but pretty cool.

  2. um, who is that guy in the last picture? That is not eric!

  3. Kait's sister is dating a guy. I think its him.

  4. Yeah, it is Shelle's boy. His name is David.

  5. Kait, where is this place? I've never even heard of it. It makes me a little sad because it seems like potential for great enjoyment.

  6. Hope you get to go to Thanksgiving Point Gardens when it is blooming before you leave Utah! So much to do... so little time!

  7. Perhaps the hearts and the hands monument is talking about the following.

    The Joy of Redeeming the Dead

    Richard G. Scott
    October 2012 General Conference

    “He shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers.”
