Sunday, October 9, 2011

More Will Stories

Well, the kid still spits up. We had our friends Dawn and Caleb come over for Will's first ever play-date and we have another story for the blog now. I was introducing Will to little Caleb. I thought this would be a good idea; why not learn manners early on? I put Will right in front of Caleb when he projectile vomited right in his direction. It landed three inches from the poor boy. I handed Will to Dawn, who still was interested in holding him after his little scene, and no sooner had I cleaned up his spit up mess than I heard a major explosion coming from Will's direction. I turned around to see that Will had had a blow out... a big blow out. I had to change his diaper and his clothes. After that I was putting a new outfit on him when I noticed that it was dirty. Not just dirty but the bad kind of dirty. I could have sworn that went through the laundry! Well, it had. I just let Will hang out in his diaper. I held him and suddenly felt something going through my clothes. Yes, my fears were confirmed as I realized that he had pooped on me as well. All this happened with in one hour. As I told Erik about the story he noted that it must have all happened because Will was nervous for his first play-date. I sure hope that trend doesn't continue.

Will is doing really well. He is smiling and cooing and actually rolled over the other day. We're still waiting for a repeat on that action. I'm headed off to Portland for the week to join my family in a big event. The rumors are true! Nishelle is getting hitched on Saturday! I am so excited for them. I really like Dave and I know they are great for each other. Picture of this big event are coming soon, so stay tuned!

Here are some pics of the boy:

October 1st. I'd say it's time to put on the Halloween outfits.

Will got his shots! He did a great job. Hooray for immunizations!

Look at that neck strength!

A cute little outfit that was so easy to make.

And I just love his swirl cowlick!


  1. Your Will story made me laugh out loud! It is so cute. I love the pictures of him. What a doll.

  2. Wow, boys are stinky. No clothes is the way to go! Cute tie! I hope you are getting more sleep now.

  3. Total Public health major- I just chuckled at the immunizations shout out.

  4. So glad you believe in immunizing! Have fun at your sister's wedding!
    I can't wait until I get to meet Will.

  5. So glad you are in Portland! I love his grown up attitude toward life... cooing and smiling at people makes them happy! Thank you for all the great pictures. I love his face on the immunization picture! You are a charming mother!
